
Pressed, but not discouraged-In all things, bringing the heart of Christ to all peoples, nations, tongues, and tribes. Proclaiming the good and acceptable Day of the Lord. Even in the midst of the storm, the heart of man can know peace. Shalom.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Wess, my blog is a little late, no excuses.
I am attempting to strictly stick by the book, but it is difficult to develop any thoughts from someone else's experiences. This is the last week for an analysis and my first stop is Broken Careers, a chapter in Weight of the World, by Pierre Bourdieu. This chapter discusses problems that occur with the loss of one's profession. The first example given talks about ageism as a serious problem, almost the same as racism. The person who discussed this is a man who lost his job at the age of 45 years old and was not hired by another company for ten years. The main focus of what this man discussed though was focused primarily on him. He didn't seem as though he made himself to be a commodity, instead kept assailing that he was an executive, in spite of the fact that he was unemployed.
The name of this book is "Social Suffering in Contemporary Society". The two examples in the chapter Broken Careers, page 408-419, show a man and a woman who have lost their jobs, with the man providing for himself through other means, such as investments; but the woman in the story was a bit different. She was definitely forced out of the career, because it appears as though there was a differing of opinions. From the way the story was told, she must have been under an incredible amount of stress, because for almost a year, she was followed by another individual the company hired, almost exclusively to "hound" this woman, until she quit. (page 418).
While I sympathize with this woman, because this is never an easy situation, and it appeared to be because the boss's wife didn't like her for any specific reasons. In the end, this company fired the woman because of "loss of trust," which is mainly to say, "We have no other grounds to fire you, but we need something." Although there are three sides to every story, her side, the boss's side, and somewhere in between is the truth.
Question then remains, how do we prevent people from being fired for reason's that are not justified, or should we. In the U.S, there are laws to prevent the unlawful firing of employee's for anything other than "good cause." This site explains further the laws regarding the firing of employee's in the U.S.
From the premise of what I am reading in this book, it seems as though Unions, which are given examples on page 257-266, show that unions, striking against management isn't always the situational conflict negotiator. Unions while necessary in some situations, sometimes add to the problems, because they don't allow the employee's to work through situations with the employer, but act as a negotiator for the employee. This gives an impersonal feeling to the whole process. Also in the previous situation mentioned concerning the woman who was fired, neither she nor her employer discussed what the problems were, both parties apparently disregarded the problems, thinking they would end. Communication is a key element in handling these conflicts. Laws were designed to enable people to have a voice, when injustice occurs, which it appeared to have happened in this situation.
There are many examples in this book which I could use and I enjoy looking at the different scenario's, because as a people we learn best through stories.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Analysis, week 9

This is an analysis of the book Inventing Popular Culture, written by John Storey. It is not the analysis that poses the most difficult part, but incorporating this book into U.S. economics. How can this book influence the policies and practices of Christians in terms of U.S. economics. To start, it begins by discussing what folk culture is and how it affects us in everyday life. It appears that he believes this is a mythical world, not applicable in today's society. Folk culture is classified as something which goes back to the culture of a tribal people, which we all are, even in the midst of, "industrial capitalism", (page 14). The author is attempting to establish the fact that "folklore", is core to any established society and we should not forget this. What was brought to my mind, is the gang structure mainly in Chicago, which breaks down into two different types of gangs, one being, "Folk nation" and the other "People nation". These different gangs compose most of the gangs in Chicago as well as, across the country.
I was intrigued by the quotation of T.S. Elliot, (page 26) in speaking concerning social classes, stating that, "class structure, class privilege, and class inequality, are essential conditions for the growth and for the survival of culture." Classism is today one of the biggest issues facing U.S. economic policies. In other countries, there truly are poor, in the U.S., predominant problems exist within structures of what we call a "class system." T.S. Elliot believes that these classes would possibly be imperitive to the function of society. Basically he believes that with everyone equal, no longer will education be effective in transforming society.
This leads into chapter 4, in which if hegemony is practiced, the dominant classes in society can lead others by, "moral and intellectual leadership." Dominant groups and classes, "negotiating" with and making concessions to, subordinate groups. This creates more equality in society. No longer is it made into "class warfare," where one group forever strives to dominant by force other groups.
What is the response of the Christian towards these powers or forces? Knowing that inequalities exist in society, should we create a level playing field for all people? Although all people have the inalienable rights, (civil liberties), not all people have the same access to the same things. Nor should everyone be the same. Class warfare is a dangerous societal issue.
In response to Storey's application on page 108 of globalization, I would agree that the news media grants us access to the worlds problems, and the worlds events, while all the while neglecting those events which I actually live in each day. Meaning that I care about the inequalities in Africa, but could care less that I don't know my neighbor's. The reason is that there is an attraction to events that are broadcast on a global scale, (we like major events). He does make the point that we experience globalization in what we eat and drink every day though, and that global culture permeates our cultures.
To work in the context of global culture intertwined with local culture, hybridization which it is referred to is paramount to the development of the ability to communicate within culture. As a Christian I don't want to globalize too much, because then I am ineffective as a minister in my society, but to incorporate globally and locally, I have become then as most of the society, and will be effective, I believe. U.S. economics also operates on both scales. Storey makes the claim page 112, that "Commodities do not equal culture." Multi-National Corporations will not "make" a culture disappear or Americanize the globe, because the globe is already a large part of America, which hybridization claims.
In conclusion, this was the most interesting of all the books on globalization and culture which I have read, due to the fact that it doesn't make claims, which claim the economics of the U.S. has destroyed everything that is good, and true, and decent, in the world. Storey makes the claim, which I agree that non-western cultures, have influenced the west deeply, and many cultures have invariably assimilated into our society, which is to the benefit of us all.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


This week I will again be attempting to incorporate globalization with U.S. economics. As we know concerning U.S. economics, the practices of this country influence those of other countries. Many saw the Wal-Mart movie, and although I didn't see it, I believe that many of the practices of Wal-Mart need to be addressed, which I had done a few weeks earlier, in reference to China specifically "product dumpting" for Wal-Mart in the U.S. http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_e/agrm8_e.htm
Although I know that we are not using resources from Web-sites, this source from the World Trade Organization gives a brief glimpse into the practice of product dumping. My opinion of the response of a Christian to corrupt practices in corporations is not necessarily to fight and demand my rights, but to "redeem" the practices, by being involved in them.
The parable that Jesus uses to illustrate that if a person agrees to work all day for a denari, and another agrees to work an hour for a denari, why should the first man get angry at the second man, if the first agreed to work for that price. He didn't have to agree to it, but chose work for that price. Greed has no economic level, the rich want more, the poor want some, and no one is content.
In the book Global Transformations, chapter 5, gives a synopsis of how globalization developed mainly in the Industrial revolution, but also gives a brief view of the development from medievil times, of companies that were based in Italy, which imported cloth to furnish products, which they in turn the sold for profit. One of the main points I want to give to chapter 5 is trade protectionism. Whenever threat from other nations, militarily is paramount to the safety of it's citizens, most industrial societies, develop a protectionist mindset. Although this countries policies promote globalization, the 1930's are an incredible example of how protectionism developed, (page241), because of the disarray that was happening in Europe. The amount that FDI's, Foreign Direct Investment, is given in trade, is directly correlated to our military relationship with that nation at the time of investments.
Although the mass of globalization may not be able at this time to be retracted, due to what Global Transformations discussed in earlier chapter concerning the development of "invisible governmental structures," which are World banks, and World Corporations. This chapter has shown how Multi National Corporations, in the 1950's to 60's, started foreign investment through countries, such as Europe and Canada, where it was safe. The U.S. (MNC's) developed quicker than other countries, due to technological advances, that were superior to other countries. (page 243)
Page 244, gives a comparitive table of the percentage of Exports vs. Imports. The U.S. in 1995 was the same in terms of Exports and Imports. The U.S up until 1980 had been a "heavy net" foreign investor, but since 1980 it has been a major site for inward, FDI. There is a great disparity though, according the chart on page 249, for developing nations. The U.S. economy is developed, and therefore reaps the benefits of inward FDI, while the poorest nations struggle at less than 1% of inward FDI. (page249) This makes sense, but what can be done to counter this trend. Without any inward FDI, developing countries, will remain poor.
In the Globalization and Culture book, it also starts by showing the there is truly a financial global market, which thus provides "globalization on demand." Page 13, makes a percentage comparison that 14% of the worlds population accounts for 80% of investment flows and 70% of the worlds trade, in 1992. 1992 was not that long ago, so why is there such a great disparity between the worlds population and investment.
Globalization and Culture, I believe gives more of a rounded, general, but more realistic approach to globalization. I also believe by including the statement in the book that from 1870 to 1914 existed more globalization in world markets than at present, shows more of a protectionist mindset, since two World Wars have made trade relatively unsafe at various times.
It is important for structures not to monopolize and while I agree with anti-trust laws in regard to American companies to create competition, what is to be done with the disparity of inward FDI's, for third world nations. Do these "developing countries" have products to make them profitable for inward FDI's? Even if a country is not as industrialized as another, there may be other "agricultural" products that may make a developing country appealing in a globalized economy. The questions remains, "How can a third world country market itself to make it appealing for other countries to invest in it? It may not be possible, due to the lack of resources, but "handouts" from wealthy countries to poor countries, are important, but will not sustain a struggling economy? Mainly I am talking out loud to attempt to understand if anything can be done, to reduce the disparity. Empowerment of another country is more important than, "handouts." Thanks for the time.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Analysis: G.T., Ch. 5 & 6

This week will be an analysis of the next two chapters from Global Transformations. These chapters will definitely be more distinct in our group's project concerning U.S. economics, and some of the disparities trade. Page 152 states clearly that some "distributional impacts of trade,(within economies) makes some groups richer and others poorer.
Section 3.2 gives a brief historical glimpse at the nature of trade. From B.C.E, in developing nations, although mode of transportation was limited and trading routes also had the problems with mountains, trade between nations was forming. It is stated, (page 153), that a "slave triangle", between Europe, Africa, and the West Indies had become in the sixteenth century, the dominant trade route. The question is then would the industrialized nations of the world developed as they did without slavery? The answer is probably not.
This is not a justification at all of slavery, just a quandery that what we as Americans and predominantly Europeans, treasure in terms of our "free trade", which allows us to have products which we do not have to sacrifice our first born child to buy, has been built mainly on the abuses and mistreatment of other human beings. Chapter 6 of the book makes reference to the fact that less than 10 percent of the slaves were destined to the U.S., but most ended up in the Caribbean and Brazil.
Most trade though outside of the slave trade mentioned earlier was focused primarily in agriculture, within a nation. Page 154, "At the start of the nineteenth century it is estimated by Kuznets (1967) that world exports amounted to only 1-2 percent of the world GDP." Within most developing countries, world trade was limited in the nineteenth centuries. Trade though continued to grow until 1929 with the Stock Market Crash, in which a protectionist mindset prevailed. After WWII, world trade began to increase again, to what we would consider today to be a "globalized economy" of trade. Page 162 (Box 3.1) gives a brief synopsis of the affects of globalizing trade, and the cost of products, whether produced domestically or imported. The last statement that I want to make concerning trade is mentioned on page 183,"...since trade in principle produces a net welfare gain for a country, the gainers could compensate the loser and still be better off."
All this concerning trade was mentioned because in we as Christians need to know how the system has developed in order to affect structural change. Redeeming structures is more easily said than done. It can be done though. I have made the point from the beginning that redemption of structures, such as the government of El Salvadore come from within the country. Even in the slave trade as mentioned in this book, most of the African Nations sold their own people into slavery, hence the word, "trade".
Chapter 5 of the book in discussing the world financial markets, it appears as though this is the re-establishing of the "Tower of Babel" theory, which I used in last weeks analysis. It has been proven since the dawn of time that God uses man in the redemption process. Jesus came as a man to redeem. Jesus is in the natural realm, for if we deny that, it would be to deny the humanity of Christ. Involvement is key in changing the structures. As history is the basis for understanding how systems develop, it should also be looked at in history, as to where Christians failed. I am not taking a stand on military issues, because I do believe that societies progress.
The apostle Paul never would have included a Gentile in anything, but yet he died as the, "apostle to the Gentiles." Sometimes I believe that we need to move beyond what "we" think and ask God what "He" thinks. Throughout history of empire's, to nation states, to trade, to globalization, the church either is doing what is right in proclaiming the gospel on a personal level, or they need to stop saying, "this is evil, that is evil, so I will not be involved, but will make it into another issue." In terms of U.S. Economic issues, money is the "god of this nation." Rich, poor, man, woman, it makes no difference. Covetousness is still sin. The apostle Paul stated in Philippians that he was rich, poor, beaten, imprisoned, for the sake of the gospel. In the midst of this, God was redeeming every place where the gospel was planted. This is what we need to get back to. Sorry if this seems to preachy.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


My analysis this week will be on the fact that throughout history, and I will not name all the Empires, but it seems as though, when God scattered the people at the Tower of Babel in Gen. 11:1-9, people have been attempting to get back to the status of one. From nation attempting to conquer nation, and one individual person dominating another person, humans beings want to "rule over others." This book is fascinating, because it shows the progression of how essentially, these European nations developed from small political regimes, swallowing the smaller regimes in their path, to nation states, then to global empires.
One of the statements made from the book, that the nation state 'pacifies' it's people, before ruling over them is true, but the laws that a nation establishes should benefit the people that live in that country. If a person doesn't like the laws that are in that one country, there are other choices besides revolt to change the laws, and if that doesn't work, move to another country. When the statement was made to pacify people, the author didn't further explain, so the assumption may be made that if they weren't pacified, a revolt of the governing authorities would occur.
We have seen even in the past one hundred years how military globalization only ends up in the destruction of lives. Is Germany any more dominant (militarily) in 2005 than they were in 1941? Military power in globalization from what the authors portray, has almost been the means to the end. The end was an "invisible" global structure, made up of banks, corporations, and money. Although, becoming a "superpower" in terms of a country was determined by the military structure of the nation. It is quoted on page 93, that 'the leading nations possessed resources 50 to 100 times greater than those at the bottom.'
As a Christian, am I to engage in any global activity? Any type of global activity, (Armed Forces, consumerism, World Banks, etc.) will in some way affect those that have been oppressed by the "superpowers" of the world, in gaining global dominance. I think it is impossible not to be involved in some way, shape, or form, in globalization. The quote from Genesis at the beginning, I believe shows that as a follower of God, He wants us to learn from another's culture, adapt to their behavior, in essence, get along with other people, that are not necessarily like you. God thought it wasn't a good thing that all the people were the same, with one language. I think that we as the Church, definitely need to learn this concept. So, the response of the church should be to participate and "get our hands a little dirty."

Resources for this week:

Global Transformation, (David Held, Anthony McGrew, David Goldblatt, and Jonathan Perraton)
1) 1.1.2 Page 36-Absolutism in the development of European Nation States.
The statement made was the absolutism within these developing nation states produced more social, political differences between the states, producing a nationalistic identity. (Tilly, 1975, p. 19) Absolutism was defined as the larger political structure, swallowing up the smaller structures, to bring them into their regime.
2) 1.1.4 Page39-The book makes reference to the centralization of political power, expansion of state administration, territorial rule, the diplomatic system, and the emergence of regular, standing armies. As the European Nation States gave rise to their central governments developing, as with any nation, given the opportunity it will claim more.
3) 1.1.4 Page 39-The statement made in the book which references the main point that as Europe developed into powerful nation states, certain states who are naturally more powerful, will want to transform back into an Empire. "The colonies became the 'jewels in the crown' of the new empires. Certain European states as they became stronger, decided that globalization would add to their power, and would, "enhance the demand for organizations that would be capable of operating on such a scale." (p.39)
4)1.1.5 Page 45-The modern nation state, has become so powerful through the 'pacification' of people. It states that the breaking down of rival centres of power and authority within the nation state. In nineteenth century Europe, this was achieved. This statement from the book is absolutely true. It makes mention of a standing army and the police, as the means of ruling the nation state from within, which is true.
5)2.3.2 Page93-To quote from the book, "Regions and civilizations which had so far eluded European control experienced first hand its military might." This was in the mid to late nineteenth century, when Europe was attempting to globalize the New World and mainly Asia. The industrialization of warfare was developing and thus making the arms market a free market system of developing the best weapons.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Analysis, Week 5

The articles this week are meant to show that through various means, there are definite ways to alter the course of this world's systems. El Salvador is mentioned in three of my resources this week. It wasn't necessarily intentional when I started my research, except for the first resource, which documents how Francisco Flores, a native of El Salvador changed the governmental structure of El Salvador from inside the country. He believes that in order to change structurs such as this, that men and women from inside the country, must sacrifice great means in order to effect any change.
Flores believes that many countries, (not all) are poor because of policies from within those countries, and are not specifically caused from without, such as corporations in the U.S., using other countries and exploiting them to our own benefit. Although this does happen. The change came from within El Salvador, when Flores was elected president. South America has had sweeping changes in terms of electing leaders through a democratic system, who may enact change within those countries. The "peasant" classes in South America have continually not had a voice for years, but finally are wanting to end the inequality. Once the people of a nation have suffered enough, change will come. I believe that without sweeping changes in the structure of the government, it will repeat it's history. In the foundation of our country, those that structured the Consititution and the Bill of Rights, knew that they were making changes to separate from the structure of England. Although loosely based upon that system, our Constitution departed from many of their structures.
Our country has problems which effect the economy, which come from within. I added a resource to briefly look at the issue of gangs. Gangs contribute to a wide range of problems. Firstly, I mentioned the breakdown of the family structure, which gave rise to single parent households. It is difficult enough for a mother and father to raise a child, but becomes all the more difficult for those that do not have such a structure. In many young men and women, loss of this structure, gives rise to associating with a group of people, whom they identify with for "family structure". Many gang members will give their life for other gang members, as a parent would for their child.
The cost associated with gangs can not specifically be counted, due to abstract economic factors. Some of these may be, law enforcements (including overtime), state sponsored drug programs, survaillance at retail stores (security, camera's), auto theft (insurance rates). All these factors and more can be associated with gangs, which affect the overall cost of products, which we buy. Most crimes are associated with drugs, which are associated with gangs.
This is why I included some followers of Christ, who have not counted even theirs lives, in proclaiming the gospel. They probably had not thought that proclaiming the gospel to the poor can change the economics of a country. It can have a domino effect, in proclaiming the gospel to those who have "waged war," with the American way, it may bring social change.
When I say, the American Way, I am being facetious. Those that destroy the structure of the government, are decaying the country from within. Like Abraham Lincoln quoted years ago, "if this country is going to be defeated, it may come from within." I am not saying that inner decay of certain structures is not necessary to see that we are a flawed nation. Sometimes through these circumstances, serious change may happen. Nicky Cruz is effecting change by being the "mission church", to these El Salvadorian gang members. If we, including myself would not only think, but act, serious change would happen. The most important factor though is that not to destroy one group of people over another. What I mean for example, is opposing the war in Iraq, may be what one believes is the right thing to do. Is opposing the war though going to change the fact that young men and women are risking their lives for what they believe. Quesion is, is outwardly opposing the war, going to help those young men and women come to a closer knowledge of God? Thanks for the time.

Nicky Cruz

This is Nicky Cruz's blog, which had a link from his home page. Nicky Cruz became a follower of Jesus Christ through David Wilkerson's ministry in Brooklyn, NY. Cruz was a gang member in New York. Cruz's ministry now goes into the gang life in the U.S. and apparently into the El Salvadore prison system to minister to Mara Salvatrucha, which is the El Salvadorian gangs. Another person who counts not his life for the work of ministry.


Gangs in the United States absolutely add to the economic factors attributed to the cost of living. I specifically added this synopsis of these El Salvadorian gangs, because they were on the front of the Sunday Los Angeles Times. This makes me think these gangs may be a problem in the U.S. Gangs add to the cost of law enforcement, drug prevention, and all other "taxed" services. I guess as Christians we need to get out there and live the gospel.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Poor Jews

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is an organization that brings together an extremely large number of Christians and Jews in the fellowship of dealing with issues that both groups of people feel. It does not disclude any other group of people, but focuses on these two, since the central theme is God in Israel.

Single parent families

Jonathan Rauch commented in this article that, "marriage is displacing both income and race as the great class divide in the new century". Also Charles Murray commented that "welfare entitlements" as the great war on poverty has increased the economic vulnerability of those it intended to help...single mothers and children. Problem with the article, no conclusion.