
Pressed, but not discouraged-In all things, bringing the heart of Christ to all peoples, nations, tongues, and tribes. Proclaiming the good and acceptable Day of the Lord. Even in the midst of the storm, the heart of man can know peace. Shalom.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Resources for this week:

Global Transformation, (David Held, Anthony McGrew, David Goldblatt, and Jonathan Perraton)
1) 1.1.2 Page 36-Absolutism in the development of European Nation States.
The statement made was the absolutism within these developing nation states produced more social, political differences between the states, producing a nationalistic identity. (Tilly, 1975, p. 19) Absolutism was defined as the larger political structure, swallowing up the smaller structures, to bring them into their regime.
2) 1.1.4 Page39-The book makes reference to the centralization of political power, expansion of state administration, territorial rule, the diplomatic system, and the emergence of regular, standing armies. As the European Nation States gave rise to their central governments developing, as with any nation, given the opportunity it will claim more.
3) 1.1.4 Page 39-The statement made in the book which references the main point that as Europe developed into powerful nation states, certain states who are naturally more powerful, will want to transform back into an Empire. "The colonies became the 'jewels in the crown' of the new empires. Certain European states as they became stronger, decided that globalization would add to their power, and would, "enhance the demand for organizations that would be capable of operating on such a scale." (p.39)
4)1.1.5 Page 45-The modern nation state, has become so powerful through the 'pacification' of people. It states that the breaking down of rival centres of power and authority within the nation state. In nineteenth century Europe, this was achieved. This statement from the book is absolutely true. It makes mention of a standing army and the police, as the means of ruling the nation state from within, which is true.
5)2.3.2 Page93-To quote from the book, "Regions and civilizations which had so far eluded European control experienced first hand its military might." This was in the mid to late nineteenth century, when Europe was attempting to globalize the New World and mainly Asia. The industrialization of warfare was developing and thus making the arms market a free market system of developing the best weapons.


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