
Pressed, but not discouraged-In all things, bringing the heart of Christ to all peoples, nations, tongues, and tribes. Proclaiming the good and acceptable Day of the Lord. Even in the midst of the storm, the heart of man can know peace. Shalom.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


I wanted to analyze the Cato's institute's article on government spending for mainly one purpose. That is to say that I believe that the way a government spends money is in direct correlation to beliefs of the spending habits of the people in the country represented. The U.S. is providing approximately $100,000 for each household destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Although I believe in government intervention and there is no cost associated with human life, wouldn't it just make more sense for the government to just build a Federal State of Louisiana. I am being slightly facetious, but where is the empowering of the people in Louisiana.


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