
Pressed, but not discouraged-In all things, bringing the heart of Christ to all peoples, nations, tongues, and tribes. Proclaiming the good and acceptable Day of the Lord. Even in the midst of the storm, the heart of man can know peace. Shalom.

Friday, October 21, 2005



We have all seen Forbes magazine each year publish the list of the wealthiest in the world. This is a list compiled from 2004, as to who the wealthiest in the U.S. are. It also gives a brief synopsis of the philanthropic giving of each of the wealthiest, with Bill Gates giving away approximately 37% of his net worth. I think that this is great, but some of the organizations that had been given exhorbitant amounts of money, was the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. It had been given $60 Million. To me this doesn't seem like charity. I mean if someone gives $60 million, that is a lot of money. My question about this whole article is, "If all this money is given to charity, how come things are not improving in this country?"


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