
Pressed, but not discouraged-In all things, bringing the heart of Christ to all peoples, nations, tongues, and tribes. Proclaiming the good and acceptable Day of the Lord. Even in the midst of the storm, the heart of man can know peace. Shalom.

Friday, October 21, 2005



I actually couldn't believe that Forbes had published a poorest americans list. The last time the list appears to have been printed was five years ago. It probably didn't receive a lot of nice reviews because of the people listed were those who had lost a lot of money, due to investments that "went south." These people really are not the poorest people, because they had the money to invest in the first place. The only reason that I did add this article was the fact that these people had lost everything they owned. This country places an incredible emphasis on what a person has, or doesn't has. It gives American's identity, to "possess things". Even when those things are nothing, it is still an identity. It is extremely sad.


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